Wado Ki Karate 2

This program places an emphasis on proper attitude, discipline, self-confidence, coordination and flexibility. Students are separated after stretching according to their rank. Uniforms and rank certification are available from the instructor for an additional fee. This is a year-round program designed to take the students all the way to black belt and is multi-generational. (It is centered on family participation). Fee is per 7-week session.
Program Type Youth
Program Subcategory Youth Classes
Program Code -
Online Registration Yes
Enrollment Begin Date 12/1/2023
Enrollment End Date 7/23/2024 8:59 PM
Ben Hillis
Gender Any Gender
Enrollment Minimum 6
Maximum 30
Grade Minimum
Age Minimum 6 years
Maximum 99 years
Residency Restriction NonResident Only
Membership Restrictions -
Amount $68.00
Resident Discount Fee
Residency Restriction Resident Only
Membership Restrictions -
Amount $52.00
NonResident Pass Fee
Residency Restriction -None-
Membership Restrictions Non-Resident Pass
Amount $52.00
Tuesday - 07/23/2024
Start Time 7:15 PM
End Time 8:00 PM
Location Easterday Hall
Tuesday - 07/30/2024
Start Time 7:15 PM
End Time 8:00 PM
Location Easterday Hall
Tuesday - 08/06/2024
Start Time 7:15 PM
End Time 8:00 PM
Location Easterday Hall
Tuesday - 08/13/2024
Start Time 7:15 PM
End Time 8:00 PM
Location Easterday Hall
Tuesday - 08/20/2024
Start Time 7:15 PM
End Time 8:00 PM
Location Easterday Hall
Tuesday - 08/27/2024
Start Time 7:15 PM
End Time 8:00 PM
Location Easterday Hall
Tuesday - 09/10/2024
Start Time 7:15 PM
End Time 8:00 PM
Location Easterday Hall